Tales of Resistance in the National Graphic Art: The Experience of the APJ and Taller Sol During the Dictatorship
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This article presents some findings of the research work carried out for the book Resistencia gráfica: dictadura en Chile APJ-Tallersol, published by the authors in 2016. From the perspective of the process, this article is an effort to bring forth the meanings associated with the production experience of two collectives that worked on the production of posters during the eighties (APJ and Tallersol). It shows the way in which both collectives coincide in the centrality of their links and networks of collaboration, as well as in the adaptation and intervention of the available resources and technologies to make the continuity of graphic production possible in the midst of a dictatorship. This way, the political dimension of their work would not only be contained in its visuality or in the message of its slogans, but also in the whole technical and associative itinerary that made the production of each piece possible.
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