Diseña promotes research in all areas of design. Its specific aim is to promote critical thought about methodologies, methods, practices, and tools of research and project work.

Under the assumption that design research methods and techniques not only describe realities "out there", but also contribute to the elaboration of forms of reality, Diseña is interested in research that explores new methodological repertoires that respond to the needs and dimensions of a social world in constant transformation.

For the journal, thought produced in Latin America is especially relevant.

In general terms, those contributions that challenge the methodological limits of design, particularly those that conceive design as a tool for critical analysis and knowledge production, are of interest.

In specific terms, Diseña is a platform to investigate issues such as the following:

-What political and social implications mobilize methodologies and how do methodologies affect the understanding of the world;

-What types of knowledge, practices, and specific presuppositions are activated by design, and how this heterogeneous knowledge affects the ways of representing, knowing, and inhabiting the world;

-How design incorporates the local knowledge, the distributed knowledge, and the indigenous knowledge;

-What it means to do speculative research;

Diseña is open to contributions from authors around the world. The contributions of those researchers who apply the multiple forms of ethnography, decolonial and feminist approaches, as well as STS concepts and methods, are welcome to question how design affects and reconfigures different dimensions of contemporary society.

Diseña is aimed at scholars, students, and professionals from all areas of design. The published content is of interest to those who inquire into experimental methodologies and applied research.

Diseña promotes textual experimentation and aims to contribute to the recognition of the features of disciplinary writing.



Diseña is a bi-annual journal, published in January and August.



General information

Manuscripts are sent to two external referees, who act under the requirements of the "double-blind" system. They evaluate the manuscripts according to their originality, relevance, writing quality, organization, and coverage of the literature.

Peer Review Details

The manuscripts received are evaluated in the first instance by the editor and/or the guest editor, who determines if they meet the requirements of quality and originality. In this first stage, it is also judged if the manuscripts are relevant in relation to the purpose of the journal and the subject matter exposed in each call for papers. Then, each pre-selected contribution is sent to two external referees, who act under the requirements of the "double-blind" system. They evaluate the manuscripts according to the originality, relevance, writing quality, organization, and coverage of the literature. By agreeing to be an evaluator, reviewers commit themselves to being unbiased, objective, constructive and respectful.

The articles can be accepted without objection (in the case of outstanding manuscripts); accepted with minor changes (applicable to manuscripts that require slight adjustments); returned for review and correction (for the manuscripts requiring substantial changes; or rejected (if the manuscript is not suitable for publication).

In case of controversy, the articles may be sent to a third reviewer. The editor reserves the right to decide what criteria to follow when the referees' opinion is not conclusive.

Together with the evaluation, the authors receive a notification explaining the corresponding recommendations and stipulating the deadline to re-submit the manuscript.

In accordance with the Publication Ethics and Prevention of Malpractice Statement of Diseña, authors have the possibility to appeal the decisions of the reviewers.

Diseña has mechanisms in place for its readers to clearly identify which sections are subject to peer review.




Diseña provides immediate and free access to all the content through this platform, with no embargo period. Users do not need to register to read the content.

All contents of this electronic edition are distributed under the Creative Commons license of "Attribución-shareAlike 4.0 Internacional" (CC-BY-SA).

The journal's open access policy complies with the DOAJ definition of open access. Creative Commons license allows for immediate free access to the content, permitting any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose. it also grants usage rights to others using an open license (Creative Commons or equivalent).

The rights of the published texts and images belong to their authors, who grant Diseña the license for their use. The management of the permits and the authorization of the publication of the images (or of any material) that contains copyright and its consequent rights of reproduction in this publication is the sole responsibility of the authors of the articles.

As long as they mention their origin, the authors are free to distribute their articles by other means. Any total or partial reproduction of the material must mention its origin.



The electronic version of Diseña is housed in servers of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, which guarantees its accessibility over time.



All manuscripts are controlled with the plagiarism detection service iThenticate. Diseña does not apply quantitative criteria to determine if submissions meet ethical standards regarding plagiarism.


Diseña is a biannual publication of the School of Design of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

For issues such as authorship, plagiarism, fraud, copyrights, and confidentiality, this publication is based on COPE´s Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

Reviewers evaluate the content of the articles with criteria based exclusively on the relevance of the research, the quality of the article, its originality, its clarity, the relevance of the bibliography, and the correspondence with the subject of each issue. The decisions of the reviewers cannot be reversed by any member of the journal team.

The peer review procedure guarantees the impartiality, confidentiality, and objectivity of the evaluation process. Likewise, it ensures the delivery of an evaluation report that explains the decisions of the reviewers. The authors may appeal to the decisions of the reviewers objecting to the reasons stated in the said report.

Diseña commits to guaranteeing the quality of the published articles. Likewise, it rejects plagiarism and undertakes not to publish those works whose content is fraudulent. By signing the "Checklist for Submissions", the authors guarantee that all the parts of the article they send and the materials associated with it are original or do not infringe copyrights. In the case of articles with shared authorship, acceptance of these conditions implies that all authors support the originality of their work. All persons listed as authors must have contributed significantly to the research. In the same way, all authors are obliged to provide retractions and corrections of errors when appropriate. If it is detected that one author plagiarizes another or that his manuscript shares essentially the same hypothesis, data, points of discussion, and/or conclusions with another work of his own authorship, the journal will put into operation the retraction procedure suggested by the Committee on Ethics in Publications (see "Retraction Guidelines").

The authors agree to indicate if part of the material has been previously published in another medium or is in the process of being published. It should be noted that according to the international conventions of bad practices, it is strictly forbidden to publish the relevant results of research in more than one journal. According to these same conventions, authors should refrain from sending a manuscript to two or more publications at the same time.

Only people who have made substantial contributions to the research process in all its stages and have participated in the preparation of the article may appear as its authors. The journal promotes that those people who have made other contributions are duly mentioned.

The authors are obliged to provide information on the financial support of their investigation, explaining any conflict of interest. In case of conflict, the editor will request background information from the authors to assess the impartiality of the investigation.

For its part, Diseña undertakes to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary.

Diseña does not charge fees for any concept. The intellectual property of the published material belongs to the authors. However, publishing in the journal implies granting Diseña the exclusive license of publication and diffusion, so that it is disseminated electronically for free, either individually or in conjunction with the rest of the content, both on the web page of the journal as well as through the platforms of the various indexing systems. The authors will not receive any compensation from Diseña.



Diseña does not publish advertisements of any kind.



This journal receives financial support from Bibliotecas UC.