Latin American dystopian fictions: schizo-utopian productions

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Claire Mercier


The paper establishes the actual meaning of dystopia literary form in three Latin American novels: El insoportable paso del tiempo (2016) by Chilean writer Francisco Rivas, El año del desierto (2010) by Argentine Pedro Mairal and No tendrás rostro (2013) by Mexican David Miklos. In these texts, the post-apocalyptic scenario allows the reworking of historic traumas. However, the previous is not related to a vision of trauma as the basis of civilization, but on the contrary, with the possibility of glimpsing the emancipation of the human community from its collective traumas. In this way, the dystopian fiction sets th subject as a schizo-desiring machine as the agent of a utopian desire released from the melancholic circularity proper to trauma.


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Author Biography

Claire Mercier

Claire Mercier
Instituto de Estudios Humanísticos “Juan Ignacio Molina”
Universidad de Talca, Chile.