Hispanic Motifs in Journals of Lajos Kassák

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Eszter Katona


The name of Lajos Kassák (1887-1967), the greatest figure of the Hungarian avant-garde is not well known to the Spanish-speaking public, mainly because the lack of translations of his literary works, that consequently did not reach Spanish and Hispanic Americanreaders. However, both in Kassák’s own work and in the journals he founded, many different Hispanic themes do appear. The present article examines the Spanish and Hispanic American motifs and personalities receiving attention and publicity in the five journals ‒A Tett, Ma, Munka, Dokumentum y Kortárs− founded by Lajos Kassák.


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Author Biography

Eszter Katona

Universidad de Szeged, Departamento de Estudios Hispánicos,
Facultad de Letras, Hungría.