Territories of Violence in Detective Novels and Narco- Literature in Latin America: Mario Mendoza, Peter Elmore and Alejandro Páez

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Danilo Santos López


This article exposes the problem of violence in Latin American societies through the representation found in a series of novels first published in the 90s. The analysis focused on two detective novels: Enigma de los cuerpos (1995) by Peter Elmore, Satanás (2002) by Mario Mendoza and three narco-novels: Corazón de Kaláshnikov (2009), El reino de las moscas (2012) and Música para perros (2013) by Alejandro Páez Varela. These texts consider the situation of the protagonists-victims of the criminalized novel through anarrative perspective regarding limited, clearly-defined territories, such as Lima in PeterElmore’s novel, Bogotá in Mario Mendoza’s and Ciudad Juárez in Páez Varela’s.


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Author Biography

Danilo Santos López

Facultad de Letras, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago, Chile.