Memory and Revolt in Poetry by Mapuche Women Intimacy/Social Bond II

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Gilda Luongo


The following article exposes an indagative narrative located in the cross between poetry by Mapuche women, memory and sexual difference. There are two central figures explored  by the textual interpretation: “the loss of land/of language” and “the struggle in the name of the fallen/in one’s own name”. This heuristic work is based on a multiple-sided theoretical-critical framework: feminist critical theory (Butler, Braidotti, Kristeva, Anzaldua), philosophy (Ricoeur, Blanchot) and literary criticism (Genovese, Blanchot). The selected corpus for the analysis is drawn from three major anthologies by Mapuche women: Hilando en la memoria, edited by Soledad Falabella, Allison Ramay, Graciela Huinao and Roxana Miranda Rupailaf (2006, 2009); and Kümedungun/Kümewirin edited by Maribel Mora Curriao and Fernanda Moraga (2010). 


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Author Biography

Gilda Luongo

Universidad de Chile