Lesbian Subjectivities in the Blank Spaces of Identity

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Lucía Guerra


In this essay, lesbian identity is analyzed within a cultural context which has made of lesbianism a synonym of the unnameable and inintelligible, thus inscribing a blank space and eliminating the possibility of a counter-discourse. The cultural invisibility of lesbianism has been incremented by the primacy of private space and the limited access to cultural production, two facts that have cancelled the creation of a specific genealogy and sub-culture. The novels here discussed inscribe within that blank space, an imaginary of lesbian sexuality in a discourse that traces a silenced identity. Both in En breve cárcel (1981) by Sylvia Molloy and El cielo dividido (1996) by Reina Roffé, erotic experiences are the bridge to a reflexion on lesbian identity while in Tu nombre escrito en el agua (1996) by Irene González Frei, Desire and Identity are intertwined in a reciprocal relation that cancels the paradigms of phalogocentrism.


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Lucía Guerra

 Departamento de Español y Portugués, Universidad de California, Irvine, Estados Unidos lcunning@uci.edu