Tomás Eloy Martínez’s Lugar común la muerte: An Invention in the Form of Reality

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Marcelo Coddou Drew


The following essay will present an analysis of creative nonfi ction from the chronicles gathered in Lugar común la muerte written by Argentinean writer Tomás Eloy Martínez (1934-2010). The essay will discuss the opposition between truth/ document versus credibility/imagination, so as to portray how journalistic writing is inscribed in a generic form that was conceived under the rules of Latin-American Modernism; form that still prevails until nowadays. The essay will also discuss the narrative strategies that Tomás Eloy Martínez uses in the texts that were originally published in newspapers of Caracas and Buenos Aires, and that were read merely as journalistic pieces of writing. For this reason, the essay will carefully revise some of the main theoretical postulates that were written by the very same writer/journalist. 


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Marcelo Coddou Drew

University New Jersey, EEUU