Reflections on Pain: an Analysis from La forma que se despliega

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Lucía Laura M. Galazzi


This article approaches the staging of La forma que se despliega (Veronese, 2003) and the conceptualization of human pain through artistic or philosophical means. On its fi rst section, it also examines the content of the biggest fragment of the play which refers to the experience of pain and that reveals the role of social constructions in human nature when it communicates itself. The second part of this essay is based on the ending of the play which proposes a metadiscursive thought about the possibility of staging pain, transferring the problem to philosophy. Finally, different ways of resolutions are proposed in order to arrive to a conclusion by proposing a conceptualization inside the limits of what is thinkable, which aspires to the construction of interpretations that transform and give meaning to experience.


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Author Biography

Lucía Laura M. Galazzi

Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Buenos Aires, Argentina laugalazzi@fi