Matrix Gaze and Dark Power of the Gaze

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Diego Lizarazo


Derrida and Agamben propose the origin of art in a negativity: blindness in one case and the “being able to not do” in the other. This confluence allows me to propose the concept of dark power of the gaze to account for the inexhaustible and always open place of the gaze that is not exhausted in its historical achievements. Whit this I propose three things that base an aesthetic and political perspective of the gaze: 1. The gaze is a symbolic and matrix structure that organizes the ways of seeing of a culture or a society; 2. Historical ways of seeing are governed by dominant aesthetic and political forces of meaning that I call the matrix gaze; 3. Before the matrix gaze, forms of counter-gaze and dissident gazes persistently arise that advocate breaking their hegemonies and that define the transformation and dynamism of the gaze.


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