Words in the Camera Obscura (about the Poetry of Augusto de Campos)

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Gonzalo Aguilar


This essay analyzes the work of Augusto de Campos and his relationship with visual poetry. Starting from the Brazilian poet's use of the black page to compose his poems, it proposes a reading of his work in relation to the legacy of Mallarmé and his idea of writing. Subsequently, starting from the idea of the materiality of poetic language that is at the heart of Augusto de Campos’ poetic project, the passage towards a haptic dimension that occurs in his poems, especially in “Anticéu” (“Anticielo”) of 1984, is proposed.



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Aguilar, Gonzalo. La poesía concreta: las vanguardias en la encrucijada modernista. Beatriz Viterbo, 2003.

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Freud, Sigmund. «La pizarra mágica». Obras completas, tomo XIX. Amorrortu, 1992.

Kenner, Hugh. The Poetry of Ezra Pound. New Directions, 1952.

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Material audiovisual

«O Pulsar de Augusto de Campos con música de Caetano Veloso» en plataforma YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hlgkz-g-ukc