The Concept of Society and the Exchange of Commodities in Adorno
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This article briefly presents the way in which Adorno bases his concept of society on a socialization mediated by the exchange of commodities (in the first section) and proposes (in the second section) three aspects of his argument that deserve discussion and/or development. These three aspects are: (1) the scant development of his key notion of “principle of exchange”; (2) the influence of the conception of “state capitalism” on his thought, which is incompatible with his conception of a society socialized through exchange; and (3) the absence of a development of the legal form of this exchange, complementary to its economic form. The main source of the article is his sociological, philosophical-sociological or philosophical writings, lectures and seminars written and given in the 1950s and 1960s. Adorno's concept of society is, in our opinion, the most elaborate one that critical theory of society has to guide its research on capitalist society. Therefore, the intention of this article is to contribute to a critical appropriation of this concept by identifying those problems and indicating possible paths to their solution.
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