Espacio, región y racialización en Colombia


  • Peter Wade Universidad de Manchester



Colombia; nación; región; racialización; racismo; desigualdad racial


I propose that, to understand the reproduction of racialized inequality and the operation of racism, we must appreciate how the intersection of society and space historically ac- cumulates racialized dimensions. In Colombia, the racialized differences that emerged and took shape in the colonial order simultaneously acquired spatial dimensions. In this article, I first address the theoretical relationship between society and space and then describe the historical processes by which racialized differences acquired regional di mensions in Colombia. I show how these racialized structures of region influence racialized social relations, through frontier colonization and urban migration. The conclusion reflects on the Colombian nation seen as an entity constituted by relational dynamics that have both spatialized and racialized dimensions.


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How to Cite

Wade, P. . (2020). Espacio, región y racialización en Colombia. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (76), 31–49.


