Indicadores de erosividad de la lluvia en una cuenca de la Serranía del Litoral Central de Venezuela


  • Williams Méndez Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador.
  • Henry Pacheco Universidad Técnica de Manabí,Ecuador.
  • Loan Landaeta Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador,Venezuela.
  • Edgar Menéndez Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador.
  • Miguel Pérez Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Venezuela.
  • Gypsi Parra Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Venezuela.
  • Jessiré Fuentes Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Venezuela.



potencial erosivo; eventos extremos; erosividad; cuenca de drenaje; ambientes montañosos.


One of the main environmental problems attributed to land use in the Chichiriviche river watershed (Vargas state, Venezuela) is linked to agricultural activity, which causes conditions that trigger erosive processes in the soil due to the impact of the rainfall. The erosive potential and extreme rainfall intensities were analyzed as indicators of erosivity on the Chichiriviche River mountainous watershed. The spatio-temporal rainfall distribution and extreme event frequency were analyzed. The Indices of Annual Fournier, Modified Fournier, Rainfall Concentration, Total Erosivity and the Rain Erosive Potential. The spatial distribution of rainfall is controlled by the altitude. Its annual regime is characterized by a greater concentration of rainfall at year end. The maximum intensities ranged between 56.43 mm/h and 81.95 mm/h for events of 1 hour and 100-year return period. The indices indicated low to moderate rainfall erosive potential. The occurrence of erosive processes on the studied area is more related to extraordinary rainfall as isolated punctual events.


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How to Cite

Méndez, W. ., Pacheco, H. ., Landaeta, L. ., Menéndez, E. ., Pérez, M. ., Parra, G. ., & Fuentes, J. . (2020). Indicadores de erosividad de la lluvia en una cuenca de la Serranía del Litoral Central de Venezuela. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (76), 279–301.


