Association practices in historical districts as facilitators of destination brand image

The case of Las Letras Distric, Madrid & Italia District, Santiago of Chile


  • Stefania Pareti
  • Blanca García Henche



Destination district, tourist destination brand, regeneration of commercial network, associationism, tourism marketing


To build and develop the brand image of a tourist destination, it is essential to contemplate the collaboration of all the stakeholders that operate in that destination. Based on traditions and cultural heritage, small businesses can transform urban spaces with a direct impact on the performance of the organizations in that space, creating an identifying mark and turning those spaces into "districts-destination" This research aims to analyze the role of collaboration among small entrepreneurs in the creation of a tourism destination brand, making a comparative study of Las Letras District (Madrid) and Italia District (Santiago of Chile). In order to achieve the objectives, we have obtained data on the cultural, commercial and tourist offer in these districts. The results show that the brands get the identification of "historic districts", represent an expectation of resources to find and give a value of singularity to the districts.


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How to Cite

Pareti, S. ., & García Henche, B. . (2021). Association practices in historical districts as facilitators of destination brand image: The case of Las Letras Distric, Madrid & Italia District, Santiago of Chile. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (79), 57–81.


