The Geographic Study of Metropolitan Labor Markets: Theoretical Approaches and Methodological Considerations.


  • RICARDO RUBIO GONZÁLEZ Universidad de Santiago de Chile


Employment, spatial organization of labour, metropolitan labour markets


This paper presents subjects related to the geographical research of metropolitan labour markets. It has been organized in three parts. The first one consists of a general introduction. The second one, refers to diverse theoretical subject matters (urban systems, globalization, links between abour markets and metropolitan areas). And the third one, includes a discussion on specific methodology (identification of relevant variables, selection of explicative actors, information sources). The author has the intention of making a contribution to the discussion o these particular issues related to this geographic aspects.



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Author Biography

RICARDO RUBIO GONZÁLEZ, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Geográfo y candidato a Doctor en Geografía (Universidad Complutense, Madrid), Profesor de la Universidad Católica Cardenal Raúl Silva Henriquez y de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile


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How to Cite

RUBIO GONZÁLEZ, R. (2021). The Geographic Study of Metropolitan Labor Markets: Theoretical Approaches and Methodological Considerations. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (29), 57–67. Retrieved from




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