The diffusion of condominiums in Latin American metropolises. The example of Santiago de Chile


  • KERSTIN MEYER K Universidad de Kiel
  • JÜRGEN BÄRH Universidad de Kiel


Urban structure, gated communitis, fragmentation


In the Metropolitan Area o Santiago de Chi e we can observe since the 1990s an increasing dispersion of barrios privados that nowadays we can find in near y a peripherical comunas of Santiago. The artic e attempts to analyze the causes and consequences of this process. One actor, without doubt, is the globalization, expressed in neoliberal economic politics. But there are more actors o importance. The improvement o the transport infrastructure is to be regarded as a precondition. On the other hand, the big rea estate companies are power u actors in the urban development. There are, the wishes and decisions o buyers o rea estate are influenced by publicity campaigns. A typica lifestyle e of family living in gated communities is emerging. The resulting urban structure can be characterized as fragmented with a progressive separation o functions and social spaces.



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How to Cite

MEYER K, K. ., & BÄRH, J. (2021). The diffusion of condominiums in Latin American metropolises. The example of Santiago de Chile. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (32), 39–53. Retrieved from


