Aproximações teológico-políticas entre Agamben, Schmitt e Foucault

Teología económica, teología política y poder pastoral


  • Alex Rosa UNESC




political theology, economic theology, pastoral power, Schmitt, Foucault, Agamben


This article is a bibliographic review on the concept of Political Theology, seeking to establish similarities and differences with its related themes, Economic Theology and Pastoral Power. Respectively worked by Carl Schmitt, Giorgio Agamben and Michel Foucault, the concepts deal with the relationship between religion and state, oscillating between perspectives centered on the relationship of state sovereignty and approaches in the field of power techniques. Guided by the inductive method, the research used the main works of the authors, interpreting them in a heuristic way and concerned with establishing and demarcating the possible relationships between them, not pointing any as definitive. Contributing on the discution about the influence of the Churches in society and in the state (supostly neutral), especially in Latin America,  the investigation mapped theoretical elements that help to understand the influence of the churches in modalities: sometimes in their institutional path - approaching the approaches centered on the right-, sometimes through elected representatives and / or formation of popular opinion through the faithful, approaches that are guided for power techniques.


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Author Biography

Alex Rosa, UNESC

É graduado em direito, filosofia e mestrando em direitos humanos pela Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense (UNESC). Membro do grupo "Guattari, leitor de Lacan" e do grupo "Latino Americano de Criminologia Crítica. Foi professor e coordenador do curso pré-vestibular comunitário Navegar. Estuda, dentre outros temas, cosmopolíticas, esquizoanálise e filosofia da ciência. Bolsista FAPESC.

