¿Implica la libertad religiosa un “derecho de reunión privilegiado”?
Religious freedom, Freedom of assembly , State of exception, COVID-19 pandemic, Comparative lawAbstract
This paper analyses the relation between religious freedom, freedom of assembly, and the intersection between them. In Latin America the freedom of assembly can be legitimately restricted in states of exception, but not the religious freedom. In the context of COVID-19 pandemic-related states of emergency, several religious cults around the world were restricted in their gatherings, which lead us to the question: Are the restrictions to religious assembly rightful? If the answer is negative, we have what we might call a “privileged freedom of assembly” included in the religious freedom. A restrictive comparative framework of four Latin American countries is used in the analysis of relevant legislation.
Copyright (c) 2023 Mauricio Enrique Leon Caceres

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