Aproaching to “matrimonio espiritual” in Saint Teresa’s El castillo interior

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Agustina Serrano


Starting by Teresa of Avila's reading of Cantar de los cantares in El castillo interior, and with the helping hand of nuptiality metaphor by Paul Ricoeur, we link the eschatologi-cal advance and the christological fulfillment in the history of salvation, in which the mankind grows becoming a new creature in Christ's image. So the teresian symbol of "spiritual marriage" approaches finality towards today, identifying carnal and spiritual love in mutual reciprocity. In addition, the "spiritual marriage" refers to a christology, to the extent that Christ lies in the center of existence, and allows to reconcile sexual and spiritual reality in an anthropological fullness as an universal vocation of holiness


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Author Biography

Agustina Serrano, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Agustina Serrano Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile aserranp@uc.cl