Recepciones y usos de la producción de bell hooks en el feminismo negro de Brasil

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Iris Barbosa


In this article, we propose a study on the use, reception, and circulation of the work by bell hooks within the Brazilian feminist field. For this, we first contextualize the black and intersectional feminist debate in Brazil and its most significant antecedents. We carry out bibliographical research to identify the most influential essays by hooks in Afro-Brazilian authors in recent decades. Then, we examine three contemporary Afro-Brazilian thinkers, Luiza Bairros, Sueli Carneiro, and Djamila Ribeiro, to show how they dialogue with hooks’ approach as well as the main theoretical-political elements that they rescue and adapt from it for strengthening and rethinking the struggles of black Brazilian and Latin American feminism within the plurality of voices and perspectives that exist at present.


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Dossier: Feminismos negros, homenaje a bell hooks