About the Journal
The journal Artexégesis: prácticas artísticas e investigación, belonging to the Faculty of Arts of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, is an inter and transdisciplinary digital journal focusing on Artistic Research or Artistic Practice as Research. The journal accepts submissions of articles and reviews in three languages: Spanish, English, and Portuguese (see Instructions for Authors and Editorial and Peer Review Process).
Recognizing the unique nature of artistic practices, where anonymity can be problematic or even meaningless, and given its importance to the journal, Artexégesis adheres to the principles of Open Science. Therefore, all articles received are evaluated through an open peer review process (see Editorial and Peer Review Process).
The journal is published biannually (two issues per year, one in March and another in August), and operates on a non-profit basis, free of charge for publication and financed by the Faculty of Arts of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
The journal understands and considers Artistic Research, Artistic Practice as Research or Research-Creation as academic works that:
- Clearly present specific research questions, as well as a consistent methodological framework to address them.
- Uses artistic practice to answer those questions even when complemented by other forms of knowledge.
- Prioritizes the process over the resulting artistic product.
- Critically engages with artistic practice, challenging norms, beliefs, questions and conventional interpretations of various artistic expressions.
- Aims ultimately to generate knowledge (embodied and/or practical) beyond the artistic outcome that arises from the research.
Articles that only document or record artistic processes with a focus on producing works and thus not meeting these objectives, fall outside the journal's scope.
Therefore, the journal primarily publishes two type of research articles: on one hand, articles that incorporate artistic practice within the described framework (for which the submission of multimedia files that account for the process and/or artistic practice itself is especially expected). And on the other hand, articles addressing theoretical issues (ontological, epistemological, ethical and/or methodological, among others) emerging from Artistic Research or Practice as Research, as well as its relationship with different disciplines of knowledge.
Given its focus on the intersection between artistic practice and research, Artexégesis welcomes the inclusion of diverse file types that support or accompany the exegesis (photographs, video, audio, code, etc. For specification and details on file types, see Instructions for Authors).
Artexégesis is available on open access according to DOAJ policies. All content can be downloaded free of charge from the journal's website, without the need to submit data or to register in advance. All Artexégesis material is licensed under creative commons CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution, non-commercial, no derivative works).
Although the journal has been recently established and is not yet indexed, it plans to be included in indexes such as ERIH Plus, Scopus, WoS (ex ISI) and Latindex within the next two years (2026-2027)