Las guerras hispanoamericana y de la Triple Alianza, la Revolución de los Colorados y su impacto en las relaciones entre Argentina y Chile


  • Pablo Lacoste Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Palabras clave:

La revista no contemplaba “Palabras clave” para los artículos incluidos en este año de publicación


This article analizes the Chilean-Argentinean relations during the 1860 decade concerning the position of intellectuals of both countries, in particular the opinions of the argentines Mitre, Sarmiento and Alberdi published in El Mercurio of Valparaíso. Likewise, the article discusses relations between countries of the South American cone concerning the consequences of the War of the Triple Alliance, the war against Spain during those years, and the Argentinean civil wars. Finally, the official Argentinean answer against Chile and Paraguay strongly damages the good understanding between the states favoring the European relations, leaving unsolved, specially with Chile, several bilateral important issues.





Cómo citar

Lacoste, P. (1995). Las guerras hispanoamericana y de la Triple Alianza, la Revolución de los Colorados y su impacto en las relaciones entre Argentina y Chile. Historia, 29(1), 125–158. Recuperado a partir de


