Peer review process

All articles are subject to an editorial and ethical review by the editorial team (Editor, Editorial Manager and/or Associate Editors). This evaluation includes, at least, checking:

The conformity of the subject matter with the contents of the Journal

The originality, innovation and interest of the subject covered

The scientific/technological contribution of the subject covered

The proper compliance with the ethical standards of the journal: exclusivity of contributions, declaration of conflicts of interest and the contribution of each author.

Meeting the formal requirements

The acceptance of the publication conditions

If approved, the articles will be anonymously assessed by the external peer reviewers. For the adequate and timely assessment of each manuscript, the peer reports are necessary.

Once the process of external assessment of the article has been completed, the associate editor will make a recommendation to the editor of the journal who will make the decision, based on any of the following resolutions:

Rejecting the manuscript

Requesting a reviewed version of the manuscript

Requesting a revised version of the manuscript with minor adjustments

Accepting the manuscript for publication

The decision on the assessment and the reports of the reviewers and associate editor is communicated to the corresponding author in writing through the platform.